England: The flag of England is St George’s Cross (the colour is red and white); the England's national floral emblem is Rose
the capital city is London; the name of England takes from the Angles and most of England is lowland which are mainly of Germanic Origin; the most common surname in England is actually ‘Smith’.
Scotland: There are two kinds of flags in Scotland which are St Andrew’s cross(the colour is blue and white)and Lion rampant(the colour is red and yellow); the Scotland’s floral emblem is Thistle
and its capital city is Aldeburgh and they’ve got their own language which is Scottish. Moreover, the people in highland Scotland belonged to the Celtic race and those in lowland Scotland were mainly of Germanic origin. In addition, the prefix ’Mac’ or ‘Mc’ in surnames is always Scotland; the most common surname in Scotland is actually ’Smith’ and there are also nicknames for Scotland; In Scotland, the kilt is a very well-known symbol of Scotland; the bagpipes are the most famous musical instrument which are regarded as distinctively Scottish; Finally, the most interesting thing is that the Scots have a regulation for being careful with money.
Wales: The flag of Wales is Dragon of Cadwallader(the colour is red, green and white); the Wales’s national floral is Leek /Daffodil
;the capital city is Cardiff; the people in Wales belonged to the Celtic and they speak Welsh as well; there is a large number of surnames suggest Welsh origin and there are also nicknames of Welsh men; the harp is an emblem of Ireland and the Welsh are renowned for their singing ability.
Ireland:The flag of Ireland are both of St Patrick’s Cross (the colour is red and white ) and Republic of Ireland (the colour is green, white and orange);the Ireland’s floral is Shamrock
for Irish, they also speak Irish and the people in Ireland also belonged to the Celtic race ,besides, first names can also be indicative between Scottish and Irish. In Ireland, the most famous musical instrument is the harp which is the same to the Walsh; the Irish are supported to be great talkers.
Well done, but what is the capital of Scotaland?? You mentioned nicknames for Welsh people, but you haven't said what they are.